
My Dev Blog

The site that brings together my professional experiences as a developer.

Creating a Development Environment with DevContainer, Dockerfile and Docker-Compose
Development environments are often complex configurations of tools, dependency versions, and specific systems. This can make transitioning from one project...
écrit le 20 Sep 2024 dans devcontainer
How to migrate to Unity 5?
Updating old nuget packages can sometimes be a problem. I took me a while to update the Unity package. Here...
écrit le 04 Sep 2019 dans DotNet, IoC, Unity
Visual Studio 2019 compilation error DV0001
I just had a mistake that made me go around in circles. In my solution I have some csproj projects...
écrit le 01 Jul 2019 dans VisualStudio
CES 2019 Report from Euro Tech Week
I received the report from Euro Tech Week about the CES 2019. You can see from here[FR].
écrit le 20 Mar 2019 dans CES2019
Enum and Generics
It is common to sometimes find generic methods of this type in its code: public void MyMethod<T>(T input) where T...
écrit le 26 Oct 2012 dans CSharp
Mocking MSMQ
I searched how to mock the System.Messaging.MessageQueue class in order to unit test a project. I tested some solutions and...
écrit le 06 Aug 2012 dans CSharp, Tests
Find XAML binding errors
Sometime you can have some errors in the XAML Binding. The binding is defined as a string which doesn’t allow...
écrit le 15 Sep 2011 dans XAML, WPF, Binding, Debug
Copy file on SSH with command prompt
Sometimes it’s necessary to copy some files from a web server hosted on Linux only accessible by SSH protocol. I...
écrit le 15 Sep 2011 dans SSH